Women in Science – Maravai’s Kate Broderick’s fascinating story

Could you give us an overview of your work?

I am the chief innovation officer at Maravai Life Sciences, the parent company to several life science brands, including TriLink BioTechnologies, Alphazyme, and Cygnus Technologies. I direct the research and development focus for the company and lead where we should be going in the future. Altogether, we specialize in nucleic acid products and services, including enzyme development and biologics safety testing. Our work is focused on building holistic partnerships with therapeutic developers, helping them overcome manufacturing challenges to streamline and scale research through clinical trials to commercialization. We mostly support nucleic acid therapeutic developers focused on DNA or RNA but are now expanding into cell and gene therapy applications.

The COVID-19 pandemic was a massive inflection point for our work because of the immeasurable impact of the mRNA vaccines. How can we utilize mRNA outside of COVID-19? How should we be extending our reach in different areas? What other RNA molecules should we be prioritizing and incorporating into the therapeutics of the future? These are the types of questions we’re trying to answer through our work – It’s an incredibly exciting and rewarding job to do.

When did you realize you were interested in science – as a young child/teen/older?

As a young child, I was very interested in the medical and science fields which made my educational path from secondary school to graduate school very simple. From the beginning, I was completely fascinated by how science was applied within a medical setting. How could theoretical learning be employed to improve people’s lives? What started in my childhood as a pure fascination continued on into my career, where I’ve been so lucky to be able to push science forward and hopefully make an impact on patient lives.

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