What are pharma titans hoping to achieve at this year’s DCAT?

Outsourcing Pharma addressed a number of those attending to produce a ‘written roundtable of what these companies wanted to achieve during this big week in the pharma calendar. Representing a diverse spectrum of expertise and vision, companies Enzene, Adragos, Quotient, Purolite, Tjoapack, Exothera, and Abzena have begun a collective journey with shared aspirations and distinct objectives.

From pioneering breakthrough therapies to optimizing supply chain efficiency, each participant brings unique perspectives and ambitions to the table. As the week unfolds, these industry titans are poised to engage in a dynamic exchange of ideas, forging alliances, and charting the course for the future of pharmaceutical innovation.

Enzene Biosciences’ spokesperson is Himanshu Gadgil, CEO, Enzene Biosciences.

What are your plans for DCAT?

We’re looking forward to meeting with visitors ahead of the opening of our facility in the US. Our senior team will be at the event to share our vision to help emerging biotechs bring promising molecules to market using our high-quality, efficient, and cost-effective continuous bioprocess manufacturing platform EnzeneX. We also want to highlight our biosimilars pipeline, which helps achieve our aim of delivering trusted and affordable medicines.

DCAT facilitates vital networking opportunities, and we plan to meet with biotechs interested in our pioneering continuous bioprocess manufacturing. We also hope to attend some of the keynote sessions and learn more about the important innovations in our sector.

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