‘Simple’ kitchen staple removes minor clogs from toilets in 10 minutes

Thousands of UK homes suffer from sewer flooding which is caused by blockages. This can cause havoc for homeowners and businesses up and down the country.

According to Thames Water, homeowners are responsible for a pipe blockage if only their home is having problems, the property doesn’t share a drain with any others, and there’s no other flooding in the local area.

The cost of unblocking a toilet can cost as much as £150 if you have to call out a plumber.

To avoid a potentially costly fix, Russell Brazier, pipe expert and owner of Transam Extrusions, has explained how to unblock your toilet easily if you do not own a plunger.

Hot water flush (for minor clogs)

Russell said if you only have a small blockage, you can use hot water to remove it.

He said: “If you only have a minor clog, boiling water may be enough to solve the problem.

“Simply boil the kettle and slowly pour the hot water into the toilet bowl, but be cautious not to cause a crack.

“After waiting 10 to 15 minutes, flush the toilet to see if the blockage has been moved.”

DIY drain snake

Sometimes the best way to remove a toilet blockage is to physically unblock it using a drain snake or something similar.

Russell said if you’re feeling adventurous you could make your own drain snake using a stiff wire hanger.

Simply straighten it out as much as possible and bend one end into a small hook.

Next, carefully insert the hook into the drain opening and try to fish out the clog.

Russell added: “It’s crucial that you are gentle and avoid pushing the blockage any deeper. Once you remove the clog, flush the toilet to test the flow.”

Homeowners can also use washing up liquid and bicarbonate of soda to remove the toilet blockage.

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