Meyos €2.3 million for improving lives of CKD patients

Led by Cenitz and joined by investors including KIMA Ventures, Advans Lab, and Bpifrance, the funding will support Metyos in developing its biowearable sensor and disease management platform.

Founded by CEO Alexandre Boulanger and CTO Olga Chashchina, Metyos aims to transform CKD management by providing continuous health monitoring through its technology.

Alexandre Boulanger, CEO and Co-founder of Metyos said: “Our mission at Metyos is to move healthcare away from reactive care towards proactive disease management. A healthcare future where millions of CKD patients are empowered to take control of their health, and where they can access life-saving early detection and personalised interventions. This funding, and the support and belief of the brilliant investors it brings with it, will help make this future a reality and help change the lives of so many patients and medical professionals worldwide.”

This platform, the company says, empowers both patients and healthcare professionals to make informed decisions in real-time, enhancing the effectiveness of treatments and improving patient outcomes.

CKD affects over 800 million people globally and is a significant contributor to healthcare costs. By enabling personalized interventions and early detection of symptoms, Metyos says it seeks to alleviate the burden of CKD on patients and healthcare systems. The company’s wearable sensor monitors biomarkers linked to CKD, allowing for the timely adjustment of medications and dietary recommendations.

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