‘I screwed up my hydrangea bush 4 years ago and here’s how it finally flowered again’

Hydrangeas are versatile plants. You can make the blooms bigger, and even change the colours.

But with a certain misstep, you may not have any flowers on your hydrangea bush at all. There is a crucial mistake you might be making that is leading your hydrangea bush to not have any flowers for years.

One Redditor who faced this problem shared what they learned along the way before they finally saw their bush glow blossoms again, and how to avoid this issue in the first place.

The Reddit user said that they moved into their house in December 2012. Their hydrangea bush flowered in 2013, and not knowing any better, they trimmed the wooden shoots.

This resulted in the bush not flowering in 2014, 2015, or 2016. At the time they didn’t know anything about gardening, but luckily someone told them at some point to simply leave the hydrangea bush alone.

READ MORE: Gardeners’ free trick to bring wilted hydrangeas back to life within matter of minutes

One Reddit user, who also had not seen flowers on their hydrangea bush, chimed in on the discussion.

They wrote: “Ohhhhhh so that’s why mine never bloomed the last six years. I kept cutting the shoots at the end of the year.

“Dig them out of the ground and tossed em this year because I was sick of seeing them not bloom. Whoops!”

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