How curiosity and determination inspired Hayley Crowe’s journey from bench to c-suite

BPR: Could you give us an overview of the work that you do at Purolite? What do you oversee at the company?

I’m excited to share that we recently combined our life sciences business with our Purolite business – so I now have a global life sciences business, which is a new endeavour! However, day to day I have full P&L responsibility, which includes everything from R&D, innovation, and product marketing, to the operations of six plants and more to come.

I think the most exciting part for me, because everyone has their favourite bit when you’re in a general management role, is thinking about growth in the future. How do you take what you have today and grow the business in a way that’s meaningful to your customers and your employees. A lot of my time is spent thinking about what’s good for the customers, employees, and our overall strategy.

It’s really a combination of everything. So, you might move from a P&L meeting to an innovation review in an hour. Then maybe the next half an hour, you’re talking to your product marketing team about a new product they’re developing. Then 30 minutes later, you’re talking to HR about your talent strategy. It’s a highly agile role, and you must flip between every topic.

BPR: When did you realise you were interested in science or pursuing a career in the pharmaceutical industry?

For me it was very early on. My mom was a stay-at-home mom, and she spent a lot of time with us in nature. We’d go out and look at the trees – I had a tree book to identify all the different types of trees! My family didn’t have a whole load of funds, and that was a way to keep children engaged – being outside and getting books from the library and making activities out of it. So, I think that piqued my curiosity of how the world works.

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