‘Helldivers II’ game review: A Starship Troopers-inspired bug-stomping blast

Helldivers II
| Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

The gaming world thrives on unexpected hits. Counter-Strike, a free game distributed on magazine CDs in 2000, revolutionised PC gaming. Years later, PUBG birthed the battle royale genre. Will Helldivers II join this pantheon of surprise successes? Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure: this squad-based shooter is already a highlight of 2024.

Drawing inspiration from Starship Troopers‘s human soldiers versus giant space bugs, Helldivers II takes place on Super Earth, an Earth amped up to the extreme. Having defeated the gooey Terminids, Super Earth needs its Helldivers once more. Equipped with faster-than-light ships, they embark on a mission of “Great Democratisation,” fueled by Terminids. It is absurd, and Helldivers II proudly wears its hammy, agitprop humour. However, do not let your guard down because the gameplay is as brutal as it gets.

Transitioning from top-down roots to a fully realised third-person shooter with smaller sandbox levels was a wise move. While it might initially feel like another generic third-person shooter with last-generation graphics, the similarities end there. Arrowhead Studios took bold risks with its gameplay mechanics.

First, it is a co-op live service game in a crowded market that has swallowed many. Yet, the joy of teaming up with friends and obliterating bugs remains deeply satisfying.

Another innovative feature is the “Stratagems” system. These unique pieces of equipment require specific activation codes and strategic deployment for maximum impact. Unloading a satellite strike after a successful combo input in the heat of battle is incredibly rewarding, and unlocking more turrets, guns, and other Stratagems fuels constant excitement.

Helldivers II

Developer: Arrowhead Game Studios

Publisher: PlayStation Studios and Sony XDev

Price: ₹2999 on Playstation 5 and PC

Furthermore, Helldivers II eschews comfort. Reloading mid-clip results in lost ammo, and friendly fire is always on. While bugs may not get you, friendly fire will if you are not careful. After hours of playing, these “features” feel indispensable, and other games seem strangely lacking without them.

Helldivers II has humble roots and rough edges, from its odd interface to its sparse planets, which are well masked by its steady supply of enemy types. The interface can be clunky, and the planets appear sparse. However, the diverse enemy types keep things engaging. The mission structure is simple, but it works: team up, kill bugs, and return home. While the graphics might feel dated, specific moments and overall design choices evoke genuine awe. It is rare to see a game wear its limitations so well and even surpass many AAA titles in this regard.

One particularly noteworthy aspect is the haptic feedback and adaptive triggers on PlayStation 5. Helldivers II boasts some of the best implementations of these features in any PS5 game, making shooting incredibly tactile and immersive.

However, during this review, the servers struggle to keep up with the game’s popularity, causing difficulty in joining matches. Additionally, while repetitive missions have yet to become stale, concerns regarding future content and updates are valid. Hopefully, Arrowhead has a roadmap prepared, similar to the original Helldivers.

Despite its limitations, Helldivers II stands as a viral sensation for 2024.

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