Deep dive – why did IQVIA launch a participant payments service?

IQVIA recognized the intricate challenges associated with participant payments in clinical trials, which often involve cumbersome processes and multiple vendors, leading to delays and dissatisfaction among participants. Jim provides insights into the motivations and objectives behind launching this comprehensive solution.

Can you explain the core motivations behind launching IQVIA’s participant payments service?

IQVIA recognized the complex challenges of participant payments in clinical trials, impacting participants, sites and sponsors. Traditional approaches involved cumbersome processes, multiple vendors and inconsistent payment methods, leading to delays and dissatisfaction among participants. Sites carried the majority of the burden of facilitating payments, which detracted their focus from improving clinical trial efficiency and optimization. Congruently, sponsors encountered difficulties ensuring compliance within expanding regulatory requirements across various countries. As clinical trials continued to expand in scale and complexity, IQVIA recognized the need for a globally compliant payment solution that streamlined the payment processes.
To address these challenges, IQVIA developed Participant Payments, a comprehensive solution designed to address the complexities of clinical trials by streamlining processes, reducing administrative burdens and ensuring global regulatory compliance. It offers a valuable tool for all stakeholders in clinical trials.

How does the new participant payments service democratize access to clinical trials and life-saving treatments?

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