Call for Chapters: Book on Legally Bound: Exploring The Tapestry Of Criminal Justice Volume 2: Submit Abstracts by May 15!

International Journal of Legal Affairs and Exploration is accepting submissions for a Call for Chapters for a Book on Legally Bound: Exploring the Tapestry of Criminal Justice- Volume 2. Submit Abstracts by May 15!

About the Book

In the forthcoming literary masterpiece, “Legally Bound: Exploring the Tapestry of Criminal Justice,” the International Journal of Law Affairs and Exploration (IJLAE) brings together a compelling collection of research and analyses, and reflections that delve deep into the intricate web of the criminal justice system.

This thought-provoking volume promises to be a cornerstone for scholars, legal practitioners, and enthusiasts alike, providing a nuanced exploration of the multifaceted aspects that compose the complex tapestry of contemporary criminal justice.

The authors can navigate through the corridors of criminal law, shedding light on the critical issues that define and redefine our understanding of legality.

Whether exploring landmark cases, dissecting the implications of legal precedents, or addressing contemporary issues, the book aims to provoke thoughtful discussions and inspire a deeper appreciation for the intricacies inherent in the pursuit of justice.

As the International Journal of Law Affairs and Exploration takes the helm in presenting “Legally Bound,” readers can anticipate a scholarly journey that transcends conventional boundaries, offering insights that challenge perceptions and stimulate intellectual curiosity.

In an era where the nuances of criminal justice demand constant reflection and analysis, this publication emerges as an indispensable resource, contributing significantly to the ongoing dialogue surrounding legal systems, human rights, and the pursuit of a just society.

Themes and Sub-Themes

Criminal Law


Including but not limiting to:

  • Ethical Dilemmas in Criminal Justice
  • Technological Innovations and Legal Implications
  • International Perspectives on Criminal Justice
  • Social Justice and Criminal Law
  • Legal Challenges in Cybercrime
  • Victim Rights and Support
  • Intersection of Mental Health and Criminal Law
  • Environmental Crimes and Legal Responses
  • Policing Strategies and Community Relations
  • Juvenile Justice and Legal Accountability
  • Corruption and Criminal Law
  • Criminal Law and Gender Equality
  • Media Influence on Criminal Trials
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution in Criminal Cases

Submission Guidelines

  • The word limit of the manuscript shall be 3500-5000 words including footnotes.
  • For submissions of manuscript must be followed by an Abstract of 250-300 words. The abstract will be the part of the Manuscript.
  • Author(s) should not mention their personal details at any places in the manuscript. Personal Details and Institutional Affiliations should be mentioned in a separate cover letter.
  • All headings in the manuscripts should be properly formatted.
  • The main body text in the manuscript must be in Times New Roman in a font size of 12, 1.5 line spacing and in justified alignment. For footnotes, maintain Times New Roman Style with a font size of 10 and 1.0 line spacing. For Headings, Times New Roman style must be followed with a font size of 14 and must be Bold and Underlined.
  • Footnotes should confirm to JILI Citation Format.
  • Manuscripts are to be submitted in .doc No other format would be accepted.
  • A maximum of 3 authors are allowed.
  • Plagiarism of more than 20% shall not be acceptable by any means. The Manuscript should also be free from grammatical, spelling and other errors.

How to Submit

  • Authors should email with their original, unpublished manuscripts in.doc or.docx format.
  • “Name of the Author(s)_Title of the Manuscript” shall be the subject line of the email.
  • Please enclose the cover letter along with the abstract.
  • Submissions shall be made at: [email protected]
  • Authors are requested to submit only the Abstract and cover letter initially per the dates provided above. After the Abstract is submitted, authors would be directed to submit the full papers.


The book will be printed with the ISBN Number


There is no publication or submission charge. However, consumers must pay a small fee, as determined by the publisher, if they want to buy a hard copy of the book and certificate.

Important Dates

  • Submission of Abstract: 15th May 2024
  • Notification of Acceptance of Abstract: 17th May 2024
  • Final Chapter Submission: 05th June 2024
  • Acceptance/Revision Mail: 07th June 2024


  • Editor-in-Chief- Dr. Renu Pal Sood, Associate Professor, Faculty of Legal Sciences, Shoolini University of Biotechnology and Management Sciences
  • Editor- Prof. Kaveri Aditya Deo, Assistant Professor at DES’s Shri Navalmal Firodia Law College Pune


Juris Cognita Publications

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