Best way to banish moss on garden path without scrubbing which ‘works every time’

Spring is just around the corner, and many Britons are starting to think about their outdoor spaces.

Whether planning to line up some potted plants on your flat’s windowsill or deciding which flowers you want to bloom in your garden, gardening fans are already making plans.

If you have any paths around your house, you’ll know how annoying it can be when moss grows between the stones – it seems impossible to get rid of for good.

Not only does moss look messy, but it can also be very dangerous when it’s wet and slippery.

Lots of people immediately resort to using chemical weed killers – but these can be harmful to pets, and can spread to other plants.

Luckily, there is a surprising alternative – and Britons may already have it in their home, reported The Mirror.

Recently, one woman asked Mrs Hinch fans on Facebook for advice, and wrote: “Hi, really hoping someone can help. I have a massive backway full of yellow/black stubborn moss! Has anyone any idea as to how to get rid of it?”

She quickly received lots of suggestions – and there was one favourite solution mentioned by several different people.

A woman commented: “Sprinkle cheap washing powder when the ground is dry.

“I used a box of biodegradable washing powder. Just sprinkle over the moss and leave! That was two years ago and it’s never returned.”

Another commented: “Washing powder all the way, it is a brilliant hack I got taught it by my neighbour.”

A third wrote: “Washing powder, and you’ve probably already got it in your cupboard, requires no scrubbing.”

It is best to do this when the weather is forecast to be dry otherwise it could be less effective.

Washing up liquid mixed with warm water can also do the trick along with a wooden brush to scrub the tiles.

A third wrote: “Washing powder, and you’ve probably already got it in your cupboard, requires no scrubbing.”

It is best to do this when the weather is forecast to be dry otherwise it could be less effective.

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