‘Best defence’ against leatherjackets which are overtaking UK lawns fast

Craig Wilson, co-founder, director and in-house gardening expert at Gardeners Dream, has shared some advice on how to spot, treat and “tackle” these unwanted pests.

He said: “Leatherjackets are the larvae of the crane fly, more commonly known as daddy longlegs, and they cause damage to lawns by feasting on the roots of the grass.

“New-built homes are particularly susceptible to leatherjacket infestations due to the fresh turn often used in their gardens, which can become an ideal breeding ground for these pests.

“As these properties establish their gardens, it’s vital to integrate preventative measures from the start.”

According to the expert, this includes choosing hardy grass species and implementing regular lawn health checks to catch infestations early.

The pro added: “Educating homeowners on the signs of leatherjacket activity, such as spongy turf and visible feeding damage, is also crucial.

“By taking steps, we can protect the aesthetic and structural integrity of the lawns surrounding these new homes.”

Identifying a leatherjacket problem early is crucial to preventing significant lawn damage, so make sure to look out for the signs.

This includes increased bird activity on the lawn or visible yellow patches which may indicate an infestation beneath the surface.

Craig explained: “Maintaining a healthy lawn is the best defence against leatherjackets.

“Whilst it might not completely deter them, regular aeration and the use of a high-quality feeding programme can keep your grass robust enough to withstand and recover from leatherjacket damage.

“Leatherjackets thrive in very moist conditions, so aerating your lawn can be really beneficial in drying out your soil slightly, making it more difficult for eggs to hatch and the larvae to thrive.

“Biological controls, such as nematodes, are both effective and environmentally friendly.”

The microscopic worms either the leatherjacket larvae, infecting them and stopping them from feeding within around three days, and they will die within two weeks.

They will then reenter the soil and continue the same process for any other pests, making it a good pest control option.

The gardening expert continued: “Leatherjackets are most vulnerable between late summer and early autumn, so this is an ideal time to tackle them with nematodes.

“For smaller or more manageable areas, physically removing them by hand can be a simple yet effective method. It involves manually extracting the grubs from the soil, which can help reduce their numbers significantly.”

Whilst there are some chemical treatments available, the expert said this could be a last resort due to their potential environmental impacts.

He added: “If you must use them in the case of a severe infestation, make sure to choose products specifically formulated for leatherjackets and apply them carefully, making sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions.”

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